Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Give Lockpick

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Kingdom Come Deliverance is one of the most popular action role playing games thanks to its incredibly detailed and historically accurate storyline, feature rich gameplay and optimized mechanics. A Lockpick is an item used to pick locks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It is recommended you always carry a few lockpicks with you, as you will never know what locks you might stumble across. A tool to pick locks. Just use it carefully! In Silver Skalitz: fail to convince Kunesh, then enter his.

  1. Kingdom Come Deliverance Lockpick Cheat
  2. Kingdom Come Deliverance Unlock Command
  3. Kingdom Come How To Lockpick
  4. Kingdom Come Deliverance Lockpick Id
  5. Kingdom Come Deliverance Lockpick Training
  6. Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Items
Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Give Lockpick
wh_pl_showfirecursor [1]Turn on bow crosshairs. (1 = ON, 0=OFF)
g_showHUD [0]Turn off HUD. (1 = ON, 0=OFF)
wh_ui_showCompass [0]Turn off Compass. (1 = ON, 0=OFF)
qQuits immediately without saving
e_ViewDistRatio [X]Change view distance. (Replace X with value, the default is 500)
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation [X]Change view distance for trees only. (Replace X with value, the default is 500)
e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist [X]Change view distance for other plants. (Replace X with value, the default is 20)
r_MotionBlur [X]Change motion blur. (Replace X with 0 for off, 1 for camera only, 2 for default)
r_vsync [0]Turns off vsync to potentially increase FPS, but difference isn't clear.
wh_cheat_addItem [X] [#]Add item.( X = item ID, # Number of that item)
Wh_cheat_money [#]Add Money / Groschen. (Adds # of money)
e_TimeOfDayThis will show you the current time of day.
cl_showHUD [0]This disables the HUD. (Change 0 to 1 to re-enable the HUD).
r_MotionBlur [0]This disables motion blur.
cl_fov [X]This commands sets the field of view to X (default is 60).
p_gravity_z [X]Changes the intensity of gravity (default is -13)
wh_cheat_money [X]Adds money to your inventory. Replace XX with the amount of money required.
wh_cheat_addItem [X]Adds the specified item (replace XX with the item ID) to your inventory.
cheat_add_all_itemsAdds all items the player's inventory. This is probably a bad idea...
cheat_add_all_perks [exclude:true], [exclude:false]Adds all perks to the player.
cheat_add_buff [id]Adds the given buff to the player.
cheat_add_buff_healStop bleeding, removes injuries, and restores all health, stamina, hunger, and exhaust.
cheat_add_buff_immortalAdds buffs to make the player immortal. Use cheat_remove_buff_immortal to remove this.
cheat_add_buff_invisibleAdds invisible buff to player. For now this just sets conspicuousness to zero. Use cheat_remove_buff_invisible to remove this.
cheat_add_item [id], [amount: optional number], [health: optional number]Adds an item to the player's inventory.
cheat_add_money [amount]Adds the given amount of groschen to the player's inventory.
cheat_add_perk [id]Adds the given perk to the player.
cheat_add_stat_xp [stat], [xp]Adds XP to one of the player's stats.
cheat_damage_all_items [health]Damages all weapons and armor in your inventory. This can uneqip items so don't do this in combat.
cheat_evalExecutes the given Lua code. This is not a cheat it is used for testing and debugging.
cheat_find_buffsFinds all of the buffs that match the given token.
cheat_find_horsesFind and display stats of horses.
cheat_find_itemsFinds all of the items that match the given token.
cheat_find_npc [token]Finds and shows information about an NPC.This only works if the NPC has been loaded into the world.
cheat_find_perksFinds all of the perks that match the given token.
cheat_find_skillsFinds all of the skills that match the given token.
cheat_get_timeLogs information about game time.
cheat_kill_npc [token]Finds and kills all the killable NPCs within the given radius of the player.
cheat_kill_targetKills the entity targeted using by F4 or the cheat_target_entity command.
cheat_locShows player's world location.
cheat_no_door_lockpickingThis disables the lockpicking minigame on doors and automatically opens the door.Restarting the game reverts this effect.
cheat_no_lockpickingThis calls cheat_no_stash_lockpicking and cheat_no_door_lockpicking.
cheat_no_pickpocketingThis disables the pickpocketing minigame and automatically opens the person's inventory for looting.They can still catch you.Restarting the game reverts this effect.
cheat_no_stash_lockpickingThis disables the lockpicking minigame on stashes and automatically opens the stash for looting.Restarting the game reverts this effect.
cheat_own_all_stolen_itemsMakes you the owner of all stolen items in your inventory.This removes the stolen flag from the item.
cheat_phys_hoverUse F1 key to toggle hover on and off.This uses physics to push the player slightly up.This is intended to be used with F2 push.
cheat_phys_pushUse F2 key to toggle push on and off.This uses physics to push the player forward.This is intended to be used with F1 hover.
cheat_phys_sprintUse F3 key to toggle sprinting on and off.This uses physics to push the player forward (and down for friction).
cheat_remove_all_buffsRemoves all buffs from the player.
cheat_remove_all_itemsRemoves all items in the player's inventory.THIS DELETES YOUR INVENTORY! Move items you want to a stash first.
cheat_remove_all_perksRemoves all perks from the player.
cheat_remove_all_stolen_itemsRemoves all stolen items from your inventory.
cheat_remove_buff [id]Removes the given buff from the player.
cheat_remove_buff_immortalRemoves the buffs making the player immortal.
cheat_remove_buff_invisibleRemoves invisible buff from player.
cheat_remove_item [id]Removes an item to the player's inventory.
cheat_remove_perk [id]Removes the given perk from the player.
cheat_repair_all_itemsRepairs all damaged items in your inventory. This can uneqip items so don't do this in combat.
cheat_reveal_mapReveals the entire map (removes fog of war).
cheat_saveThis instantly saves your game. No item requirements or save limits.
cheat_set_all_merchants_fence [enable:true], [enable:false]Flags all merchants so they accept stolen goods.Restarting the game reverts this effect.
cheat_set_bow_reticle [enable:true], [enable:false]Enabled or disables the bow reticle. Won't take effect if bow is drawn.
cheat_set_horse [id]Sets the player's horse. Use command cheat_find_horses to display a list of horse UUIDs.
cheat_set_regen [state], [enable]Regenerates the given player state over time; pulses once per second.
cheat_set_skill_level [level], [skill]Sets one of the player's skills to the given level.
cheat_set_stat_level [stat], [level]Sets one of the player's stats to the given level.
cheat_set_state [stat], [value]Sets one of the player's states to the given value.
cheat_set_time [hours]Moved time forward the given number of hours.
cheat_set_time_speed [ratio]Set the game time speed as a ratio between real time and game time.A high ratio, like 1000, is faster. Default is 15. 0 will pause time.
cheat_set_wanted_level [level]Set or clears the player's wanted level. This doesn't affect faction reputation.
cheat_set_weather [id]Sets the weather to the given weather ID.1 = cloudless_sunny2 = semicloudy_clear3 = cloudy_no_rain4 = cloudy_frequent_showers5 = foggy_drizzly6 = foggy_storm7 = dream
cheat_spawn [class]Spawns bandits, cuman, or animals.For some reason most of the animals and some bandits/cuman just stand around. No idea why.The spawned entities are not managed so you should kill them off or load a clean save.
cheat_spawn_npc [token]Searches through the database of souls and spawns 1 NPC for each match.This is intended to be used to spawn specific NPCs.The list of souls is in v_soul_character_data.xml in tables.pak.
cheat_stashOpens the player's stash. This only works if you have unlocked at least 1 stash
cheat_target_entityTracks the entity being targeted by the player.This will allow you to use other commands on the entity.This command is bound to the F4 key.
cheat_teleport [x], [y]. [z]Teleports the player to the given coordinates.You can end up in the air or under the map.I suggest saving your game and turn on immortality first.
cheat_teleport_horseTeleports your horse to you.
cheat_teleport_npc_to_loc [token], [x], [y]. [z]Teleports one or more NPCs to the given coordinates. Use cheat_loc to get locations.
cheat_teleport_npc_to_player [token]Teleports one or more NPCs to the player's location.
cheat_teleport_to [place]Teleports the player to the given place. Supported places (case insensitive):(Inn at the) Glade, Ledetchko, Merhojed,Monastery, Neuhof, Pribyslavitz,Rattay, Rovna, Samopesh,Sasau, Skalitz, Talmberg,Uzhitz, Vranik
cheat_unlock_recipesSaw this code to unlock recipes in a pak file.I have no idea what this really does or if it works.Let me know.
cheat_wash_dirt_and_bloodWashes all blood and dirt from the player and player's horse.
Added r_ssdo, r_AntiAliasingMode, wh_ui_ShowCursor, wh_ui_ShowCompassChanged layout of post to make it more friendly
r_ssdo = 0Disables SSAO
r_AntiAliasingMode = 0Disables Anti Aliasing
wh_ui_ShowCursor 0Will disable the combat cursor in the middle of the screen (Please note you will have to keep turning it off everytime you interact with objects/Npc's/Inventory)
wh_plshowfirecursor 1This console command activates a reticle for your bow in Kingdom Come Deliverance, which gives you a distinct accuracy bonus, since hitting anything in the game with a ranged weapon is somewhat difficult. To turn this console command back off, simply replace the 1 with a 0

Lockpicking is a fine art in many games, and usually one that isn’t too difficult to master, but in Kingdom Come Deliverance it’s a downright nightmare. It took me a good solid hour to get the hang of it on a controller, because Warhorse clearly designed it for a mouse and keyboard. And, while still a bit challenging with those tools, it’s nothing compared to to trying to do it with two analog sticks. In this Guide I will give you some tips on how to overcome this and still get somewhere with Lockpicking so you can get your “thief on”.

How to Lockpick in Kingdom Come Deliverance

You can learn how to Lockpick when you meet Miller Peshek in Rattay after the Prologue. He will give you the quest The Good Thief, which will require you to know how to Lockpick, as well as have some Lockpicks in order to proceed.

To begin the first thing you must understand is that locks have varying degrees of difficulty and “easy” is not really easy at all. The chest you are given to pick as the tutorial has a steep curve and you can get a better idea of what I mean if you simply walk past Peshek and head to the house left of where you woke up, just a few paces from when you first step outside in Rattay. There is a “very easy” door there and it’s night and day difference. These will get easier as your skill improves with Lockpicking.

Once you ask Peshek to teach you to Lockpick, skip the chest and head over to this door and give it a try.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Lockpick Cheat

Second, you must understand is that the “sweet spot”, when the cursor turns golden, moves not just counter-clockwise, but also up and down a bit. This is important because if you just simply move it in that direction you will break your lockpick. additionally the thing that’s really badly explained in the in-game tutorial, is that you must swirl the left stick in order to rotate the lock. This is EXTREMELY difficult to do because it isn’t smooth like it is on PC where you only have to press and hold “D”, resulting in more mistakes. You also don’t have the pinpoint accuracy with analog sticks that you do with a mouse, so it can be really frustrating on PS4 or Xbox One.

When first learning to lockpick you’ll need to understand that you want to turn the left analogue counter-clockwise starting from about 11 o’clock or so. You always want to start from this position and you will always turn the same way, making sure the stick is nearly as far as it can go in the controller, make a very “wide” rotation. Go slow and take your time trying to keep the vibration to a minimum.

These tips while somewhat helpful, don’t account for the lack of bad design.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Unlock Command

Kingdom come how to lockpick

The vibration is also important and is an indicator that you are doing something wrong. The stronger it vibrates the more likely it is that you will break your lockpick, and also keep in mind your lockpick has a “health bar” so the more it vibrates the less it can take. This means if you vibrate too much early on you won’t be able to pick the lock.

Kingdom Come How To Lockpick

Kingdom come deliverance console commands items

Kingdom Come Deliverance Lockpick Id

Lastly, I want to mention that you can stop Lockpicking and try a lock again and it’s positioning will be different. This is huge because the closer the “sweet spot” is to the center the easier it is to pick the lock. So if you find yourself in a position where you absolutely must pick a lock, and just can’t seem to, try stopping and starting again until you get a desired starting sweet spot.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Lockpick Training

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Give Lockpick

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Items

Stay tuned for more Kingdom Come Deliverance Guides and coverage through out February, with our review coming in a couple of days.